Jelijn Verhoeven is a visual designer from Amsterdam and founded SKARV in 2020. She built the brand and visual identity together with creative director, Boris Lutters. Our copy hero is Clemency Newman and we builded the website together with Yvy Bakker. We work closely with GEM faces by Ami Keita. Boris Lutters and Victor Wennenkens also shoot our campaigns.
We started SKARV by creating a small number of scarves for friends. They loved them so much, they shared the designs on social media and before we knew it, other people were asking to buy them. From then, we saw the potential to improve the design and quality to make them available for sale.
By making scarves, we have learnt a lot about the knitting process, color combinations and starting our own brand from scratch. The first scarves were made of acrylic, but has since incorporated 100% merino wool pieces to the collection.
To achieve the best quality, it’s really important to keep the production process as local as possible. We are involved in production from start to finish, from choosing Italian wool that doesn’t scratch your neck, to stitching the final label.
A big shout out to all the people and friends that believe in this brand. Without their support, this would have never been possible.
Read our story